Russell D. Rentmeister was raised in Syracuse, Utah, and has resided in Ogden, Utah for 34 years, serving as a bishop, bishopric counselor, young men president, and high councilor in two stakes. He served a full-time mission in the Michigan-Lansing Mission, and has a love for areas in Michigan and New York. He is president of a family-owned heating, air conditioning, and plumbing business in Syracuse, Utah. Sharing a love of Book of Mormon lands research, Russell gratefully acknowledges the inspiration derived from lengthy and lively discussions with first cousin, Dr. Vaughn Ernest Hansen, who has also made the study of Book of Mormon scriptures a life-long pursuit.
In the Section One we establish that hill Ramah/Cumorah is the starting point (furthest east point described) in the lands of the Book of Mormon, as outlined by its writers. Using the Jaredites’ record from the book of Ether, and a portion of the Nephite record from the Book of Mormon, we correlate land descriptions common to the Jaredites and Nephites. We establish that they traveled from the west to east, and then south to the land of Ramah/Cumorah.
In section Two we establish that the narrow neck of land and the land of desolation is in Ontario, Canada. We show that the height of the land of Bountiful matches the height of the narrow neck of land. We establish that the promised land is divided exactly along the current borders of Ontario, Canada and the United States, where two countries come together. We also establish that the land of Bountiful has no eastern boundary as described in the Book of Mormon; the land furthest east, as described by Nephite authors, is the Hill Ramah/Cumorah.
Section Three is concerned the land of Zarahemla and that it is also connected to the narrow neck of land, and it is also part of modern-day New York. We establish the land of Zarahemla using the Nephites’ record, namely the Book of Alma. We will fully discuss the boundaries, river Sidon, with the wilderness (South, East, and West) in the more precise positioning. We don’t claim to have the cities perfectly positioned, but feel they are close, and the positioning agrees with descriptions in the Book of Mormon.
We further explain the way Captain Moroni secured the land from the east to west, and indicate the probable location for the waters of Mormon. We show the area of the Gadianton Robbers. We explain many of the wars and where these connect to Book of Mormon cities or lands and the River Sidon head. We explain the travel from city to city. We lay out the Nephite lands and the Lamanite lands at different times of the Book of Mormon, as boundary lines shift throughout the record. We will also explain how the Lamanites came from the land of Nephi to the land of Zarahemla.
Vaughn Hansen’s expertise in geology is shown in Section Four, as he brings a unique understanding to changes that occurred in Nephite and Lamanite lands at the time of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion, as the Book of Mormon records upheaval in the physical layout of the lands. This includes about ten different events and places. The Book of Mormon is a testimony of Christ, a second witness of his divine mission here on earth. We would miss the whole point of the Book of Mormon if we did not talk about Christ and the testimony it brings to us.
The most important part of knowing where the lands are located is the evidence still here of such of an event, and the proof of destruction at the time of Christ’s crucifixion and subsequent visit to the Americas. Now we’ll build a foundation for the location where the lands are located as it helps us to layout the cities and connecting points from one area to the other.